Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream – Natural & Low Carb

“I scream, you scream, we all scream for Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream!” It’s hard to find Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream – Natural & Low Carb when you buy it from the store. It usually has some artificial color in it and it is FULL of sugar.  This recipe is something that we can feel good about. I know it’s starting to get cold out, but I’m still craving ice cream for some reason; and since watching the “Cowspiracy” documentary the other night, I’m having a moment about not eating dairy, not that dairy all that low carb friendly anyway. Low Carb Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream |

This sweet, minty creamy, chocolaty, deliciousness has no dyes or artificial anything. It uses a natural herb that just happens to be sweet, and although it’s healthy, it is so satisfying that your kids will give it 2 thumbs up.

This “ice cream” is defined as ice cream (by me) even though it’s actually kind of, not REEEAAALLY ice cream. But I mean that in the best possible way, if there even is such a thing as non-ice cream being a best possible ice cream thing. You might not even realize that this non-ice cream is actually not real ice cream because the texture (even though it’s just frozen coconut cream) is just; like; ice cream! Hun?Coconut Milk |

It gets the beautiful green color from one of my favourite ingredients…..wait for it….spinach! You’d think mint wouldn’t you? There is mint in there but unfortunately you can’t get that consistent green color from the mint, and I’m against artificial anything, so spinach is the solution.

mint for Low Carb Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream |

Are you still craving ice cream, or am I the only one? I know everyone is into posting pumpkin and fall recipes right now, I posted one last week as well, but I dunno, I was just craving chocolate and mint ice cream! I still had a little mint left from my garden outside too, so I used what I could salvage from my plant that is on it’s way out for this year. 

Low Carb Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream | 

If you’re up for some Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream that’s Natural & Low Carb, take 10 min to make it and enjoy it tonight! Let me know how it turns out. 


Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream - Natural & Low Carb
Serves 6
Write a review
Prep Time
10 min
Total Time
2 hr
Prep Time
10 min
Total Time
2 hr
  1. 1 can coconut cream
  2. 1/2-3/4 cup fresh spinach leaves
  3. 1/4 cup fresh mint
  4. 6 T stevia
  5. 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  6. 1/4 tsp peppermint extract
  7. 1/2 cup mini chocolate chips
  1. Combine spinach, mint and 1/4 of coconut cream in a blender. Blend until creamy.
  2. Add stevia, vanilla, remaining cream, peppermint extract and blend again until combined.
  3. Pour into an metal bread pan and then mix in chocolate chips.
  4. Place in freezer until set, about 2 hours.
  5. Garnish with a sprig of mint!
  1. There is a huge difference between coconut milk and coconut cream. If you only have canned coconut milk, you might have to use 2 cans since you’ll only use the solid cream formed at the top.

Low Carb Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream |

Easy & Tasty, High Protein Veggie Nuggets |


  1. Looks and sounds amazing. Is there a recipe? I feel foolish like I should be able to figure that out but I don’t see one??

    • That is so weird! I had the recipe up there and it disappeared. It’s up now if you’d like. Thanks for pointing that out!

      • Low carb = low cal. That’s why it works. Plain and simple. When you roveme one whole macronutrient from your plate, you reduce your calories by approx 1/3rd. Was nothing to do with food type. You can lose weight eating pasta, or rice, or yams. So long as you run a calorie deficit. I eat lean protein, carbs, fat. I just eat less and I exercise more. I lost 30 lbs in 4 months and kept it off 2 yrs now. Eat from smaller plates. Ur eyes see a full plate, but ur eating less. Go walking too

        • Actually, the type of calories do make a difference for some people, especially women and middle-aged women at that. I can eat over 2000 kc per day on a low-carb or Keto diet and still lose weight consistently. On a low-calorie or low-fat diet, I have to go below 1500 kc per day. For some people, especially women, it’s all about hormone balance.

  2. Valerie Hansen says:

    Wow this look so fab and love it that’s its healthy!
    Spinach..who would’ve thought!

    Thanks for sharing! Want to try it!


    • Thanks Valerie!

    • This is not true. I counted caoeirls from my former way of eating and then when I went on a low-carb for 6 weeks. I lost 22 and hit my goal. During that time period, I ate roughly the same amount of caoeirls. Granted on days, I was a couple hundred under, but on days, I was a couple hundred over. In my case, I was eating roughly the same amount. I’ve come to believe that caoeirls are not the deciding factor.

  3. I always love new ice cream recipes that make it look so easy because I always mess it up lol! Thank you for sharing such a great recipe!

    • Again this is all palaver. Proteins are used by ALL cells to rebilud the cell, in the event there isnt enough then the body will break down muscle. Muscle only shrinks (atrophy) from lack of exercise. You need 1-1.5 grams of protein per lean weight per day, thats 100 grams at most for all of you per day. Anything less and your muscles will simply shrink, and your metabolism will decrease. You do not NEED carbohydrates AT ALL, your brain can use ketones just fine.

  4. I’ve been looking for this kind of recipe! Low carb ice cream with mint… that’s awesome! Thank you! I pin it on my board:

  5. I’d love to make this but I’m allergic to coconut. Is there anything else you can recommend to replace it?

    • You could make your own almond milk and add avocado oil to it maybe, to get the creamy consistency. I would also add vanilla powder. Not sure how that would taste but I think you’d be able to match the consistency. Let us know how it turns out!

  6. This didn’t work out for me.

    Not sure how much coconut cream you have used. Mine contained 10.5 ounces. Seems I’m in a different climate since yours seem liquid, so I put my bowl in hot water until the coconut cream was no longer like hard butter. After blending it with spinach it looked like green marzipan, so I added coconut milk until it looked like something that could turn into ice cream. After two hours in the freezer it’s kind of crumbly and not ice cold like ice cream. Feels like just eating scoops of coconut cream with some taste that has been refrigerated.

    Maybe this isn’t the right kind of coconut cream, I don’t know… So I’m going to take this stuff out, heat it a little, blend in some coconut oil and see if it can be used as fat bombs.

  7. Veronique Eichler says:

    Heather, could you confirm what size of coconut cream can you used? At my supermarket I can find either 6.8oz or 14oz…

  8. Shelley says:

    Heather, can you show a picture of what it looked like before you froze it? I tried to make it but after I froze it, it was more like a solid ice cube. I cut it into chucks and still ate it. The taste was good but I’d like to get it more like an ice cream than a shaved ice. Thanks!

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