Can You Achieve Fitness by Following YouTube Channels?

girl doing pushup |

Can You Achieve Fitness by Following YouTube Channels?

There’s a lot of myths when it comes to fitness, but maybe the biggest one is you have to go to the gym if you want to get fit. If you’re like a lot of people, the thought of going to the gym doesn’t give you a warm, fuzzy feeling. It’s probably more like dread. Luckily, you don’t need a gym membership or a ton of time to get in shape. There are dozens of fitness YouTube channels you can try in the comfort of your own home.

Why YouTube Channels for Fitness?

Can You Achieve Fitness by Following YouTube Channels?

People may give you a lot of reasons why they prefer fitness YouTube channels over the gym, but the common thread is flexibility.

  • You can do your favorite workout routine whenever you want. You don’t have to wait for a class or a machine to free up like at the gym.
  • You can take your workout anywhere. Since the videos are online, you have access to them even when you travel. Depending on where you are, you may run into some geo-restrictions. Luckily, there are some good Virtual Private Networks for YouTube that can help you gain access to your favorite channels.
  • You can choose what kind of workout you want. Not in the mood for HIIT? There are plenty of other options, from yoga to aerobics to weight training. That means there’s plenty of variety so you’ll never get bored.

Of course, because there are so many different options, it can be difficult to find quality videos, especially if you’re just getting started. Below are some great YouTube channels. Remember, you actually need to exercise with the videos, not just watch them to see improvements. 

Zuzka Light

There’s a reason why Zuzka remains one of the top YouTube fitness channels. Her workouts may seem intimidating at first, but she walks you through each step slowly in the beginning. This way, you can ensure you’re using the correct form before stepping up the intensity. She even provides some alternative forms for people who might have bad knees or other limitations. Most of her workouts require little or no equipment, so you don’t need to spend a lot of extra money for weights. Like other fitness gurus, Zuzka encourages you to push yourself but always at your own pace. What’s more, these workouts will get you in shape so long as you stick with the program. 


After trying out a couple of Casey’s workouts, you’ll wonder how the heck she keeps smiling. Luckily, her bubbly and cheerful persona motivate you to keep going. It’s certainly not easy, and if you’ve never done Pilates before, you probably want to start with the beginner workouts. There are dozens of workouts on the Blogilates YouTube channel focusing on different areas of your body. Each video runs at most 15 minutes but are generally shorter. Casey walks you through each of the moves slowly, so take your time and make sure you have the proper form. Otherwise, these workouts will be pretty much useless. If you’re just watching the videos, these workouts might seem really easy, but after you repeat them a few times, you’ll start feeling the burn. 

Bad Yogi

Don’t let the name fool you. Bad Yogi is actually a great channel if you’re just getting started with yoga. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have perfect form; this channel will help you improve it with short tutorials and more full-length videos. Besides learning new yoga poses, you’ll also get advice on nutrition and life tips to stay motivated even if things in your life aren’t perfect. If you’re serious about yoga, there’s also challenges so you can really start incorporating it into your lifestyle. Erin, the owner of the channel, offers different types of yoga as well to work out different areas or to relax. 


Barre has become the new “big” thing in the fitness world. If you don’t want to pay for expensive classes but still want to get that body, then SofaBar might be a great option for you. The instructor is a bit different from your typical barre instructor, though. She’s a figure skater, not a ballerina. With that said, she offers some excellent at-home workouts that require minimal equipment. And if you’re interested in figure skating, she also offers advice on how to do some moves so you can up your game when at your local ice rink. Be warned, these workouts are definitely not easy, and you’ll be breaking a sweat in no time. 

 Jenny Ford

Looking to get some cardio in without having to run or bike? Then you’ll love Jenny Ford. She offers some excellent step aerobic workouts. Yes, step aerobics is still a thing. Never done step aerobics before? No problem! Jenny has some excellent beginner videos that go over the basic steps you’ll see in most of her workouts. Once you learn the basics, you can jump into some of her quick workouts or try out the longer 30-minute ones if you’ve got enough time and energy. If you’re not in the mood for step aerobics, Jenny also offers some weight training advice as well. 

Heidi Somers – Buff Bunny

How many women do you know don’t lift weight because they don’t want to get bulky? Sadly, this way of thinking limits your ability to reach your fitness goals. Weight lifting should be an integral part of your routine if you want to be fit and strong. Enter Heidi Somers. She offers excellent workouts to sculpt your muscles while still maintaining feminine qualities. Her videos focus more on traditional muscle training, such as squats, dead lifts, curls and more. This means you’ll need to get some more equipment for your home. You can also watch her videos while at the gym if you don’t have the space for a barbell. 

Hopefully these channels can get you started on your journey to fitness. You can—and should—find other fitness YouTube channels that you like and try them out as well. This way you’ll have a wide variety of options to choose from every day!

Do you have a favorite fitness YouTube channel? Let us know in the comments below.

About the Author: Cassie is a freelance writer who has a passion for fitness. She’s so happy that technology has made it much easier for her to get in some good workouts without going to the gym.


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11 Low Carb Desserts To Lose Weight


When you’re first starting a low carb diet you may be craving sugar like crazy! These 11 Low Carb Desserts To Lose Weight can help to curb those cravings in the beginning, and heck, let’s face it, you’ll probably love having these go-to 11 Low Carb Desserts To Lose Weight recipes, if you decide to change your way of eating to this way forever. I felt so good and had so much energy when switching to this way of eating, that after I lost the 10 pounds I originally started this diet for, I never wanted to go back to my old way of eating.

The first of the 11 Low Carb Desserts To Lose Weight is…


First of all, hi.

Second of all, help! I can’t stop eating these awesome desserts.

Thirdly, put this in your mouth asap. The only question you need to ask is spoon or fork?


If you like sweet stuff for breakfast, this is for you. And if you’re open to the idea of cheesecake for breakfast, this has your name written all over it. If you’ve ever taken one breath in this life, this is going to be your favorite cheese cake ever! You can get the recipe for it here.

Low-carb gooey skillet brownie for Two

These brownies did a little number on me.

A little number I like to call didn’t-eat-any-real-food-all-day. Oops!

And how-is-half-the-pan-gone-already, and I’ll-just-even-out-this-row, and maybe-my-neighbor-doesn’t-need-all-four-of-those.

Low-carb gooey skillet brownie for two |

Here, have another one. Chocolate.  Choc.o.late…brownies! She knows has the recipe and you can get it here. 


The good news is that it’s health food!

The better news is, that it’s tasty. Like, go ahead and lick the side of the glass tasty. The bad news… there is none! 


Check out Low Carb Yum for tons of amazing low carb recipes and this mousse.

Easy Low Carb Coconut Chocolate Bars

There used to be a pan of these Low Carb Coconut Chocolate Bars in my kitchen yesterday.

That was yesterday…. 

Coconut Chocolate Bars |

And guess what?  Just guess.  You will never guess what I’m about to tell you, but I want you to guess anyways.  Well, you already know because that is what this post is about!

This chocolate and coconut euphoria is essentially guilt-free!  Essentially!  Like, eat it and get skinny.

Zero Carb Gummy Candy

My 2 year old will do anything for sweets. If I need to get out of the house, I can tell him I’m going out to buy some cake or candy for you and I’ll be right back, and he is okay with it. Leave the house any other way and it’s major melt-down time and he will grab on to me and won’t let me leave. If I use the first tactic and say “Mommy will be right back with candy” his response, “Okay Mommy!” Thats when I come back with some natural spirulina, nut and coconut bon bon, or something like these. Although I don’t like to feed my child aspartame either, so I substitute with a more natural version that you can find here.

Zero Carb Gummy Candy |

Start making these little gems with this recipe.

ZERO Carb Egg Chips

Hellllooooo, egg lovers! A little less sweet but totally satisfying. 

I love this idea! The best part about this little ol’ egg chip was the flavor. Yum!

ZERO Carb Egg Chips |

Cheese and eggs… yes please! This is how you make them.

Sugar -Free “Almond Joy” Bars

There is no other name for this besides MY FAVORITE Bars! My favorite, my son’s favorite, my friends’ favorite, our neighbors’ favorite. 

“Almond Joy” Bars |

During my 60 day sugar free challenge, I’ve tried to stay away from baking because it’s usually just a set up for something that used to be really good to become really, really bad, but these are definitely a winner. Find the recipe here if you want this to be your fave too.


Can we go to the food feelings zone for a second?

Something about this cake is inherently soul-HEALING. And in the grey-meh-bleh days of winter where you find yourself leaving for work and returning home all in the dark days of winter, depending on where you live of course,  and where everyone and everything is recovering from this cold or that flew, healing is good. Healing is totally necessary. Looking at this cake you just can’t help but be in a festive and happy mood.


 On an emotional level, it is colorful sprinkle and vanilla love. This super fun cake itself is moist, and mildly sweet. Enjoy this wonderful addition to our 11 Low Carb Desserts To Lose Weight and find the recipe here.


This puffy cream could be an over-the-moon dessert in and of itself.


I’m melting.

My heart and

soul are





See how I did that? That was me melting into an ocean of black cherry creamy whip. Click here for the recipe.


Drum roll please! I got inspired on my trip to Bali. There were so many vegan and raw restaurants that did it right, that I wanted to make so many things when I got home from my trip and this was one of the things I really wanted to make that I had tried who I was there. This is not just any chocolate cake. Try more like a perfectly dense and moist flourless (almost) chocolate cake.


This recipe uses cocoa powder but I like to use Organic Cacao Powder, which I usually just Click here for the recipe because it ships easily, stores easily, and I have a really hard time finding it in the grocery store for some reason. Get the recipe here.

Sugar-Free Red Velvet Cheesecake Truffles

I don’t usually like red velvet anything, but I like these and if you already like red velvety things, you’ll probably LOOOOOOve these.

They taste sinfully delicious, but are the perfect solution to curb your sweet cravings when you are wanting to lose weight.

Sugar-Free Red Velvet Cheesecake Truffles |

Hey my sweet, sweet friends!

I’m talking to the red velvet cheesecake truffle bites, actually. These are my sweetest, most wonderful friends, especially when trying to cut back on the refined sugar sweets and still trying to LOVE LIFE. ♡

But I’m also talking to you, because you’re my sweet friends who love these sweet little red velvet bite friends, as evidenced by this 11 Low Carb Desserts To Lose Weight and how much engagement it’s seen. 

Which one of these is your favorite, or which one will you make first? I would love to hear about it in the comments below. For more dessert inspiration you can check out all of the desserts I’ve featured here.

Here’s to your health, wealth, and happiness!


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