Search Results for: spinach

Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream – Natural & Low Carb


“I scream, you scream, we all scream for Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream!” It’s hard to find Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream – Natural & Low Carb when you buy it from the store. It usually has some artificial color in it and it is FULL of sugar.  This recipe is something that we can feel good about. I know it’s starting to get cold out, but I’m still craving ice cream for some reason; and since watching the “Cowspiracy” documentary the other night, I’m having a moment about not eating dairy, not that dairy all that low carb friendly anyway. Low Carb Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream |

This sweet, minty creamy, chocolaty, deliciousness has no dyes or artificial anything. It uses a natural herb that just happens to be sweet, and although it’s healthy, it is so satisfying that your kids will give it 2 thumbs up.

This “ice cream” is defined as ice cream (by me) even though it’s actually kind of, not REEEAAALLY ice cream. But I mean that in the best possible way, if there even is such a thing as non-ice cream being a best possible ice cream thing. You might not even realize that this non-ice cream is actually not real ice cream because the texture (even though it’s just frozen coconut cream) is just; like; ice cream! Hun?Coconut Milk |

It gets the beautiful green color from one of my favourite ingredients…..wait for it….spinach! You’d think mint wouldn’t you? There is mint in there but unfortunately you can’t get that consistent green color from the mint, and I’m against artificial anything, so spinach is the solution.

mint for Low Carb Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream |

Are you still craving ice cream, or am I the only one? I know everyone is into posting pumpkin and fall recipes right now, I posted one last week as well, but I dunno, I was just craving chocolate and mint ice cream! I still had a little mint left from my garden outside too, so I used what I could salvage from my plant that is on it’s way out for this year. 

Low Carb Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream | 

If you’re up for some Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream that’s Natural & Low Carb, take 10 min to make it and enjoy it tonight! Let me know how it turns out. 


Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream - Natural & Low Carb
Serves 6
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Prep Time
10 min
Total Time
2 hr
Prep Time
10 min
Total Time
2 hr
  1. 1 can coconut cream
  2. 1/2-3/4 cup fresh spinach leaves
  3. 1/4 cup fresh mint
  4. 6 T stevia
  5. 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  6. 1/4 tsp peppermint extract
  7. 1/2 cup mini chocolate chips
  1. Combine spinach, mint and 1/4 of coconut cream in a blender. Blend until creamy.
  2. Add stevia, vanilla, remaining cream, peppermint extract and blend again until combined.
  3. Pour into an metal bread pan and then mix in chocolate chips.
  4. Place in freezer until set, about 2 hours.
  5. Garnish with a sprig of mint!
  1. There is a huge difference between coconut milk and coconut cream. If you only have canned coconut milk, you might have to use 2 cans since you’ll only use the solid cream formed at the top.

Low Carb Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream |

Easy & Tasty, High Protein Veggie Nuggets |

The Structure of The Cheat Day- Interview With Tim Ferriss

The following explains the photos I posted yesterday about my cheat day. I find this so interesting. 

The Structure of The Cheat Day- Interview With Tim Ferriss

In terms of the structure of the cheat day, there are a couple of things you can do to minimize the fat gain during that cheat day.  The first is to just make your first meal when you wake up,  one small non-binge meal.  So my default tends to be one or two whole eggs – free-range organic eggs – two whole eggs with some spinach and vegetables, like in a small bowl.  It’s not a big meal.  And that will slightly inhibit your appetite for the rest of the day.  And it’s not a bad thing.  My next meal is usually I’ll walk down the hill to my favorite bakery, and I’ll get two chocolate crescents, a big cup of coffee and grapefruit juice.  And there are reasons for this.The rock-cheat-meal |

So the grapefruit juice, you’ll notice I’m breaking my rule but this is my day off.  If you have fructose, especially something like grapefruit juice, it flat lines your glucose response.  It can help prevent huge glucose spikes when you eat a bunch of crap.  So I will make a point of having this early in the day on my binge day.  It also solves fat loss.  But here’s the thing.  It solves fat loss, but for this particular day it will minimize fat gain.  So those are two different things, but it’s important to realize the difference.

The caffeine is also important.  You don’t have to consume caffeine, but by having coffee, and I’ll do this two or three time throughout the day, it increases the speed of gastric emptying, so the speed at which food leaves your stomach and passes through your digestive tract.  So what does that mean?    That means you’re absorbing through your calories.  So there’s a message to that madness as well.

And then throughout the day you can use various types of tricks.  In the chapter “Damage Control” one of them very simple would be just getting the juice from let’s say three to four limes or lemon wedges and consuming than before you have your meal, which when I tested – I had a medical device implanted in my sides to measure blood glucose 24/7 for about three weeks and tracked everything – it tends to lower the blood sugar response by at least 10%.  And that’s significant if you compound it over time.  Cinnamon also very helpful.  So I always put cinnamon in my coffee at the same time I have the pastries, which is usually my second crappiest meal of the day.

Lunch I might have let’s just say Thai food with some rice.  I usually don’t have rice, but I’ll have Thai food with rice because I love rice if I’m allowed to have it.  And then for dinner that’s when I’ll also go crazy, so I might have a huge full pizza, wild nettle pizza with an egg on top with some wine and then afterwards I’ll have an espresso and some ice cream.  And that’s pretty much what it looks like.

You can also use exercise very effectively during that day to minimize fat gain by understanding how you can increase insulin sensitivity.  I won’t go into all the details, but there are a lot of things you can do to prevent fat gain while binging.  So this is also very helpful for times like Christmas or Thanksgiving or New Years.

There you have it! The Structure of The Cheat Day- Interview With Tim Ferriss.

What’s your favourite things to eat on your cheat days?

Easy & Tasty, High Protein Veggie Nuggets |
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