Are You Eating Your Way to an EARLY DEATH?

More amazing tips from Chris “The Kiwi” on eating better to live longer.

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Hey mate, 
I hope this finds you better than ever! 
How important is your gut health to your immunity?
Are the foods you’re eating killing your gut?

Mate, these questions could mean the difference between life and death for many people just like you… 

And as we approach flu season and colder months, questions like the ones above are even more important to ask yourself… 
Is your Immune System at Risk? 
Your immune system is made up of a super complex network of biological structures and processes that serve as an army to protect you from trillions of invader germs lurking around in your every day life…
(in airports, any public transportation, the gym, or pretty much anywhere) 
It’s also responsible for the communication of inflammatory responses through your body. 
(yes –  the inflammatory response is actually a natural bodily mechanism used to keep YOU alive).

Your immune system is VITAL for LIFE itself… 

And without it you simply wouldn’t be alive today. 
Now what’s important to know is that when your immune system goes down the drain… 
And consistently takes a brutal beating from chronically elevated stress, poor eating and reckless lifestyle decisions… 
Over time, you’ll put yourself at a higher risk for autoimmune disorders such as: 
–    Hypothyroidism or Hashimoto’s (your thyroid hormone production becomes dangerously low, zapping your energy and zest for life)
–    Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Chronic and systemic inflammation in the digestive tract – extremely uncomfortable
–    Type 1 diabetes 
–    And Multiple Sclerosis (more on this in a moment)….. 
Serious stuff, right? 
How is this connected to your gut?
Our gut biome is comprised of a 100 trillion bacteria cells (there are more bacteria cells in us than any other type of cell – to me, this is nothing short of astonishing). 
However, not all gut bacteria are working for you…. 
In fact, if you’re eating certain types of foods, many of them are working against you and your immunity… 
You can view your gut as having both good bacteria and bad bacteria… 
And depending on which side you feed, it can make or BREAK your health in so many ways… 
You see, your gut is home to numerous types of cells, and one of them in particular is directly linked to your immunity… 
It’s called Gut-Associated-Lymphoid- Tissue, and it accounts for 70% of the immune tissue in your body… 
Now what does it exactly do? 
Simply put, it stores a variety of immune cells (called lymphocytes) that carry out attacks on foreign invaders lurking about everywhere in your life (i.e. Germs and anti-nutrients like gluten) and create natural antibodies…
If that’s not enough to get you thinking about which bacteria you’re really feeding, then consider this… 
Your Thyroid Hormone, which is vital for your energy and metabolism.. 
……….Is greatly affected by the type of bacteria winning (good or bad)……
Because a powerful enzyme called Intestinal Sulfatase is responsible for converting about 20% of your inactive Thyroid Hormone (T4) to its active state (T3)… 
(Thyroid Hormone T3 is the more active and potent form) 
And where does Intestinal Sulfatase come from? 
You’re right on the money if you said your GOOD GUT BACTERIA! 
Feed The Good Side 
The key is in feeding the good bacteria the stuff they crave and NOT FEED the bad bacteria…. 
In fact we want to starve the bad ones. 
Side Note: If you feed the bad bacteria, even a little bit, the stuff that causes them to rapidly multiply, they will kill the good bacteria. Below I share with you what types of food the bad ones thrive on…. 
You see, the good ones absolutely love whole foods and the micronutrients they provide… 
….  They especially get a boost from foods rich in probiotics (I’ll share with you some powerful ones in a moment) and prebiotics…. 
And the bad bacteria? 
They have quite the sweet tooth… 
The bad bacteria viciously thrive, and spread like wild fire, when you eat too much SUGAR, highly refined carbs, and processed foods. 
And when the bad bacteria overwhelm the good bacteria… 
…….It’s bad news for the your gut wall… 
If your gut wall gets damaged enough, foreign toxins, germs, and other crap (literally) from the foods you eat can get across the gut wall and into your body!!!
The Result? 

Your Immune System comes in to save the day and launches a full on attack on the toxic foreign invaders spilling in from your gut to your body… 

However, with innocent casualties… 
Your body’s healthy cells can get caught in the cross fire, just like innocent civilians and children in a War Zone
…….Causing your body to literally attack itself…. 
And when this becomes commonplace in your body is when you’re dangerously vulnerable to the conditions I mentioned above. 
What does the research say? 
Scientists from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine (Department of Neurology) have very recently made some breakthrough associations between your gut health and autoimmune diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis, stating: 
The gut bacteria play a role in educating the immune system and hence may be a player in the development of multiple sclerosis.” 
Educating and Modulating your immune system! Wowzers. 
Now this is just one of many revealing scientific cases linking your gut health and your immunity… 
(You will be seeing even more findings like this in the future). 
So what should you do? 
Listen, 90% of the foods people eat in the United States are processed foods… 
That is why it is so apt the acronym is SAD, for Standard American Diet. 
So chances are that you or someone very close to you, are regularly consuming foods that put your health at risk.
Mate, ask yourself this: 
Are the foods you’re eating feeding your GOOD gut bacteria or are they feeding the BAD guys? 
Which side are you supporting? 
Kiwi Rule Of Thumb: If the foods you are eating ARE NOT helping your gut, they are likely hurting your gut… 
If your diet is heavily filled with processed foods, dairy, wheat, high amounts of sugar, artificial sweeteners, highly inflammatory Vegetable oils, then mate…. 
I urge you to take action today. 
I urge you to take inventory of the things you are putting into your body and minimize the stuff that is killing you, killing your gut health and hurting your immunity… 
And get more of the foods that will boost your health. 
Which foods? 
Whole Foods like grass fed beef, caged free eggs, a wide variety of fresh (locally grown is ideal) veggies, fresh salmon (I aim to eat salmon sashimi at least 3 times a week)… 
(These are just some of the foods I outline in The Complete 30 Day Fat Loss Plan) 
And if you really want to supercharge your good gut bacteria, eat more probiotics…

Look to probiotic rich foods like Raw Kim Chi (must be raw as cooking kills the probiotics), Raw Saurakraut, Kefir  (especially coconut kefir), Kambucha… 

Probiotics are Powerful… 
That’s exactly why I made sure that Athletic Greens contains 7 billion quality probiotics per serving.
I’ve also made sure it contains a variety of prebiotics from Inulin and globe artichoke, which further feeds your gut bacteria.
So if haven’t taken your Athletic Greens today…. 
Have a look at the one thing I take every morning for optimal gut health…
Click here=> Drink This For Improved Gut Health [My Happiness Drink] 

ATTENTION: Athletic Greens LOYALTY CUSTOMERS – Keep your eyes on your inbox for an Athletic Greens Customer Exclusive surprise that you’ll love. I don’t want you to miss out.
“100% Focus On Happiness” 
That is my mantra, and it starts with phenomenal health. 
Chris “the Kiwi” 
P.S. Did you learn anything from this post today? Email me: 
P.P.S if haven’t taken your Athletic Greens today…. 
Have a look at the one thing I take every morning for optimal gut health…

Click here=> Drink This For Improved Gut Health [My Happiness Drink] 
Easy & Tasty, High Protein Veggie Nuggets |
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