How To Have Yourself A Holistic Halloween


Author Amy-Rose Lane

Forget about ghosts and ghouls this Halloween. What’s lurking in your kids candy bag is likely to give you a serious case of the heebie jeebies. We know that Halloween isn’t the healthiest holiday of the season, and sugar is the anti Low Carb, so hopefully this day falls on your cheat day so there won’t be so much temptation to sneak one or two from your kids bag. When it comes to trick or treating, we have virtually no control over how much candy our kids (or we) get exposed to! You know the drill. Candy leads to excitement. Excitement leads to tantrums. Tantrums lead to the dark side. 

But deny your kids the opportunity to trick or treat with their friends? MORE tantrums. What to do? Here’s How To Have Yourself A Holistic Halloween…

Set The Rules And Explain Them

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Yes we can go trick or treating. No, you will not sit on a mountain made of candy like Smaug the dragon, and devour it in one sitting. Decide on the rules before the big day, and make sure everyone knows about them (including husbands, who if they’re anything like mine, cannot resist free candy either) 

Eat Dinner Early To Avoid A Sugar Crash


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Blackmail your kids with vegetables before the big outing. The plan is to stuff them with healthy filler, before they have the opportunity to run amuck in candyland! It’s also a good idea to fill yourself up too – especially if you have a large brood. You don’t want to run out of energy half way through the night, and end up stealing your kids candy either!

Plan Your Route

Will Ferell

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Sugar crashes and temper tantrums should be the height of your stress. Nothing else. All Hallow’s Eve is the only night of the year that it’s acceptable to knock on the doors of strangers(aka your neighbors). Do some research, and make sure you don’t end up in the bad neck of the woods. 

Give Some Back

Photo Courtesy of: Tumbler

Photo Courtesy of: media.tumblr

If you end up with multiple pillow cases stuffed with candy, consider donating some of that candy to a good cause. Operation Gratitude will send your surplus candy overseas to active military members. Now that’s a good way to give back!

Don’t Be Led Astray By Pinterest

Pinterest halloween fail

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The Internet is rife with Halloween pinterest fails! The last thing you need on Halloween is to be up to your elbows in a half-sewn costume, or trying to pull together an elaborate recipe. Save yourself the stress, and head to the store in advance! I got the cutest Knight costume for my sone from a thrift store for $12 that looks brand new! 

Consider Toys Over Candy



For parents who have a child with diabetes, Halloween can truly be a nightmare. On the other hand, you might not want to emotionally link candy with a reward. But you don’t have to punish your kid with a salad mix. Consider getting your child toys or trinkets instead of candy, so they don’t feel like they’re missing out. If you choose to stay at home instead of going trick or treating, buy some trinkets to hand out instead of edible treats. Your kid won’t be able to sneak off with anything that they’re not allowed! Check out this great website for more Halloween hacks if you’re the parent of a diabetic child. [Read more…]

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