How to Deal with the “S” Word


Stress Less, Live More 

How to Deal with the “S” Word | Guest Post by Dr. Jay Warren

Meditating woman sitting cross-legged with back to the sea

Meditating woman sitting cross-legged with back to the sea


Your house is a mess. You got stuck in traffic. You were late to work. Your dog ate your favorite wedges. The humidity has turned your hair into a frizz-ball. And that stupid color wheel of death won’t leave your computer screen.

Life is often stressful and it can have a very real, very negative effect on your life.

You can feel tired, frustrated and ready to hit that happy hour hard. 

Although stress is part of life, it doesn’t have to take over your life. Health and wellness coach Dr. Jay Warren offers some simple tips to help deal with the S word: 

1) Breathe

– Dr. Jay explains that when you go into ‘stress mode’ your breathing shuts down and your brain doesn’t get enough oxygen. Take a few moments to take some big ‘belly breaths.’ Breathe deep in through your nose, letting your tummy expand and let it out through your mouth. You’ll let go of stress and feel more energized. 

2) S-T-R-E-T-C-H

– The ‘fight or flight’ stress reaction tightens muscles so that you will be ready to confront a saber toothed tiger or Snooki or Snooki riding a saber tooth tiger (hey, after she’s had a couple of drinks anything is possible). Instead of stressing or fighting, try to stretch out your neck, shoulders and lower back.

Here are a few easy stretches to try

3) Just Say “NO” – Trying to do too many things in too little time is stressful.

Say “No” to new obligations and say “Yes” to clearing your plate to make room for new things that make you smile. 

4) Drink Your Troubles Away – Stress produces inflammation in your body that in turn causes pain, hurts digestion, and increases irritability. Drink more water to flush those toxins out of your body, washing your stress away with it.


5) Recharge Your Batteries – If you think that “someday” you’ll find the time to relax, think again. It’s all too easy to keep pushing off that day. Make an appointment with yourself this week for a little R&R. Read a book, watch a sunset, go for a walk…anything that unplugs you from the day-to-day grind and plugs you back into yourself.

 If you’d like to read more of Dr. Jay’s Simple Ways to Stress Less and Live More, you

can get the complete series for free at his Facebook Fan Page: Being Well Lifestyles.

xx, The FabFitFun Team
Originally Published on: Aug 16, 2011
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Improve Your Balance in Less Than 5 Minutes

Did you know that having better balance keeps you young?
As you age, common disorders such as vision loss, arthritis, and a diminished number of nerve endings in the feet can negatively affect your balance.
Luckily everyone can become more agile with a little practice. Cardiovascular workouts like hiking and climbing can help maintain and even improve your equilibrium. Activities that challenge your center of gravity (like dancing), that involve balancing on one leg (like tai chi or yoga), or that require bending and straightening (like gardening) can also keep you steady on your feet

Accoring to personal trainers,
physical therapists, circus acrobats, and scientists, these three exercises are designed to
help improve balance and stabilize your joints.

1. Heel-to-toe walk


Imagine you’re walking on
a tightrope. Extend your arms out to the side, and carefully place one foot
directly in front of the other. Walk ten to 20 steps, then turn around and walk
back to the starting position. Repeat two to three times, twice a week.
2. Around the clock


Stand with your hands on
your hips. Imagine that you’re standing in the center of a clock. Stand on your
right leg, knee bent, and extend your left leg out in front of you with your
foot lightly touching the ground. One by one, touch your foot to the
“numbers” on the left side of the clock, starting at 12 o’clock and
working your way back to 6 o’clock. Repeat on the other side, touching the
numbers on the right side of the clock with your right leg. Work up to five
repetitions on each leg.
3. Standing leg lifts
Stand with your legs
shoulder-width apart, hands on your hips. Shift your weight over your right
leg, then slowly swing your left leg behind you, lifting it as far off the
ground as you can. (Keep your right foot planted firmly on the ground, with the
knee slightly bent.) Hold the position for a few seconds, then slowly swing the
left leg forward and lift it as far off the ground as you can, holding the
highest position for a few moments. Then swing your left leg out to the side as
high as you can and hold. Lower, and repeat using the right leg. Work up to ten
repetitions on each leg. 
I would love to hear from you. What do you do for balance?
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