The One Thing You HAVE To Do, To Keep The Weight Off

The One Thing You HAVE To Do, To Keep The Weight Off|

Research has proven that yo-yo dieting does not work. In fact, people who usually diet on and off, usually gain more weight than what when they started the diet in the first place, and I explain why that happens in another post. If you want to keep the weight off forever, and not keep losing and gaining there is one thing that has to happen, and I will tell you what that is, and then explain how to achieve that in this post. I guarantee that if you do this one thing, you will be able to achieve your desired weigh and then keep it off forever. The One Thing You HAVE To Do, To Keep The Weight Off, is feel good about yourself first.

How do you feel good about yourself first? Isn’t that the whole point of losing the weight in the first place? Is so that you can feel good about yourself once you lose the weight? It sounds backwards right? 

The One Thing You HAVE To Do, To Keep The Weight Off is The Key To Keeping It Off Forever.The One Thing You HAVE To Do, To Keep The Weight Off  |

In this post and in this video, I have had the pleasure of interviewing a best selling author, Novalena J. Betancourt. She is the author of The Total Female Package. She has also been featured on Forbes, and in Think & Grow Rich for Women. She explains how you can achieve The One Thing You HAVE To Do, To Keep The Weight Off,  and that is knowing yourself to be a Total Female Package (TFP).

In her book, she offers motivational quotes, and certain mental exercises to perform to get your mind into a place of feeling good about yourself. If you feel good about yourself, you automatically start making choices that are healthy for you you because you love yourself and you feel your self-worth. You start to feel from the inside, that you want the cherish yourself. The pounds just automatically start to melt away, because you automatically, want to keep doing things that feel good and things that are kind to yourself. You begin to have a different kind of awareness than you’ve never had before. It’s really quite incredible. 

In the following video, Novalena shares how women who join the movement and read or listen to the audio book, receive a powerful 2-hour experience that includes helping them create and birth “The Total Female Package inside of them”. 

One reader of the TFP said…

“Since listening to the Total Female Package audio book and joining the movement I have been able to step into my power with more confidence and practice daily self love techniques. I now look in the mirror and focus on what I love about myself rather than what I think needs to be fixed. Within 3 short months of joining the movement and learning how to nurture sustainable relationships with women and men, I have spoken on stage at Archangel and Abundance360. I am social proof the Total Female Package movement is working!” shared, Erica Lee, a female entrepreneur and technology developer.

So not only does this book get you to a place of felling good about losing weight, it gets you feeling good about all aspects of your life and you start to feel powerful, like a leader. How amazing is that?

According to Arianna Huffington, Founder of the Huffington Post, “Women still struggle with the idea of having a powerful voice.”

The TFP experience provides women with a network to share their authentic stories with each other, which provides insight for everyone who joins on how to deal with the typical self worth struggles of everyday living. These stories provide hope and tools to the lonely and less confident, as well as provide confirmation to women who own their worth by giving them an opportunity to pay it forward by supporting one another. 

Get the book here! 

So now you know. The One Thing You HAVE To Do, To Keep The Weight Off for good, is to start with feeling good about yourself first, rather than losing the weight to feel better about yourself after. Marketing companies have created a society that thinks the opposite. We have to start taking a stand and start loving ourselves.

I have struggled with this in the past and still have moments of doubt here and there, but every day, as I practice the “rituals” that Novalena has laid out in her book, it gets easier, and easier to love and feel good about myself. 

How about you? Have you ever struggled with your self worth? Have you ever had moments where you look in the mirror and don’t like what you see? Are you practicing self love and have any “rituals” for feeling good that you’d like to share? Please share those in the comments below. We’d love to hear that we’re not alone or get inspired by you. 

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How To Lose Fast Weight After Baby

How To Lose Fast Weight After Baby |

How are you feeling right now? Are you at your perfect weight? Do you look in the mirror and love what you see? I hope so, but if not, let’s take a look at How To Lose Fast Weight After Baby, or maybe just in general. After I had my son, I was back to my pre body within a few months. Well, maybe I still have to work on my kegel exercises because that’s not working the same 1.5 years later!  Maybe that’s TMI. Oh well, LOL! Does anyone have the same problem and a solution besides kegels? I’d love to hear about it.

All I did was follow the 4-Hour Body Diet and I was strong and healthy as ever, in a VERY quick amount of time, plus it was enjoyable. The 4-Hour body Diet gets your metabolism going, no matter what it was like before. It’s healthy, and effective. Tim Ferriss spent 15+ years testing the safest, most effective ways to go about this based on the top Olympic Coaches, Body Builders, Doctors and Scientists. It just works!

Here we are at the beach in San Diego. You can see he’s about 6 mo. old in this photo, and I am back in tip top shape! The only exercise I did was really light yoga, maybe 1ce per week and carrying him. It’s all about healthy, slow carb food and my 1 cheat day per week where I indulge, oh and I do indulge! Here’s a link to what I ate one day on my cheat day….almost 4000 calories in one day. Yikes! This blog explains how that all works.

Heather and Hayden in San Diego |

Heather and Hayden in San Diego |

If you’re inspired to lose weight, and this looks like something you’d be interested in, here’s a cheat sheet I put together, to get a better idea of how it works. It’s FREE. If you are even more interested, you can buy his book here, or just keep reading my blog. I have everything you need to know on here including quick, easy, and delicious recipes to inspire you and guide you. Plus if you ever want to know anything about How To Lose Fast Weight After Baby, or anything about the 4-Hour Body diet, please feel free to comment below, and I am always happy to help. 



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